Tomorrow I will enter into my third and final (thank goodness) trimester of pregnancy. I love my kids, but being pregnant with them is not my favorite period of time. I sincerely kind of envy the women who enjoy it. I am celebrating reaching the home stretch, though. With putting my feet up as much as possible! (As you can imagine.)
You know, I don’t remember in my previous pregnancies the way that my feet swelled, aside from remembering that they did. However, I don’t recall that the water retention was quite so uneven. The left foot typically swells only slightly, but the right foot more than makes up for it, becoming so swollen that it is sore to the touch.
Regardless, this week was my 27th week of pregnancy, the final week of my second trimester, and I’m happy to say that my pregnancy symptoms still feel like they’re being kept at a minimum. I’m sure it will become more cumbersome as I enter my final days, when the baby does so much growing in such a short period of time. This week, the baby is supposedly about the size of a lettuce, but I feel like that is somehow better than the previous week when I would have been giving birth to a ‘baby acorn squash.’

The blanket is coming along nicely, thanks for asking. And I feel like it should be finished by the end of the week next week, provided I don’t have too many mess ups like I did when I first started. It took me three days to start the dang thing. I’m not sure what I was doing to make the stitching look so weird in the beginning, but it was WRONG!
I also ended up taking the kids to the splash pad at North Natomas Community Park. They had a lot of fun running around, playing with other kids. It has been so hot lately, we had been keeping the kids indoors, but they needed to get out and be around their own kind. It was kind of rough on me, however. We were only there for about an hour, and I was mostly just sitting and watching, but it still managed to wear me out so much that I felt the need to take a nap when we got home.
I HATED pregnancy lmao!! Glad that I am not the only one who can admit it!
I have a friend who has two of her own kids and then was a surrogate for four more children! Meanwhile, I’m sitting over here wishing I didn’t even have to be pregnant with my own. LOL