Category: Autism


Are Autism Rates Increasing?

There have been a lot of sensationalized articles stating that there is an epidemic of autism in the US and possibly around the world. If you believe the hype, you may blame diet, Tylenol, television screens, and any number of other things for this thirty percent increase in autism diagnoses over the past two decades, […]


April 2nd Is Autism Day

For those of you who may not know, April 2nd was deemed “World Autism Awareness Day” to “give extra awareness about autism and how it affects people around the world.” But I think that we, at least here in America, are already quite aware of autism. It was suggested that we start calling it “Autism […]

Anxiety and ADHD Autism

The Other Side of the Label Coin

In my last post, I discussed why diagnostic labels were beneficial for helping us understand why someone might need accommodations and what kind of accommodations they may need. Today, I want to discuss why labels may be harmful, as there are two sides to every coin. There are two reasons I believe that using labels […]

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