Tag: social anxiety

Anxiety and ADHD

It’s Not Failing Until You’ve Given Up

My blog is not doing well. It has only been a month and a half, but I feel like I can already tell you the outcome. It’s going to continue in a downward trend, and eventually I’m going to be forced to give up or continue to struggle with the depression I get when something I try doesn’t work because this is really what I would rather be doing. Writing.

Anxiety and ADHD

Not the Life of the Party

I was invited to go to a baby shower over the weekend. It was for a lady from my small group at church, but I ended up not going. Originally, it was due to the fact that my son had a Boy Scout meeting that conflicted with the time of the baby shower, so my husband and I wanted to be there for that, since it was his last meeting of the year and they were planning a rank-up ceremony where my son would receive his hat and book and the other things he would need for Boy Scouts next year. However, my son ended up getting some kind of illness the night before which caused him to feel very lethargic and he had a high fever and an upset stomach. My husband told me I should go to the baby shower since we couldn’t attend the ceremony with a sick Boy Scout. He would stay home with the kids and I could go to the event.

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Tag: social anxiety