Tag: ADHD Brain

Anxiety and ADHD

The ADHD Brain

One thing that frustrates me beyond end is the notion that ADHD is just a made up term to explain away the common behavioral problems of school age boys. That people who presumably have this disorder are, in fact, just “lazy,” that “bad parenting” is somehow involved, that they simply “lack willpower.” This idea has been refuted time and time again and yet there are still those who resist the idea that attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder has any value as an actual medical condition. If you, like me, have heard these arguments and are uncertain of what you can do to sway the minds of those who hold this opinion, then this blog post is for you. In the upcoming paragraphs, you will find statistically sound scientific evidence of the differences in the brains of people who have ADHD, both young and old, in comparison to a person without ADHD, or what would be referred to in the psychology world as a “neurotypical” brain.

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Tag: ADHD Brain