Year: 2023

Anxiety and ADHD Autism Lifestyle

Neurodivergent Love Languages: A Piece That Fits

This week I am taking a closer look at the five love languages and how they may differ slightly for a person with a neurodivergent brain. So far we have discussed physical touch and gifts, and today I would like to take a closer look at acts of service. For some reason, people sometimes seem […]

Anxiety and ADHD Autism Lifestyle

Neurodivergent Love Languages: It’s Okay to Crush Your Crush (Literally)

This is part three of a deep dive into the five love languages and how they might look slightly different for neurodivergent people. Today, I want to discuss physical touch as a love language. The most common expression of which would be hugs or hand holding. However, people who are strong in this love language […]

Anxiety and ADHD Autism Lifestyle

Neurodivergent Love Languages: A Gift for a Penguin

The first of the five love languages I want to discuss is on its surface, probably the most straightforward and that is the idea of giving gifts as an act of love. The idea, of course, is that someone will get you gifts and buy you things to show love or affection. When I took […]

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