Hello everyone! It is finally spring!
Have you been busy? I have been hard at work on my current books.
I am in the editing process of the first few chapters of my middle-grade fantasy book and can I just say that it is agonizing sometimes to have to go back and read your own writing when you know it is not your best, but aren’t really sure what can be done to improve. Luckily, that is what professional editors are for, and after I go through the book and make my own edits, I will be able to send it off to someone who can help me with that.
I’ve also been working on the illustrations for the children’s picture book I have been working on. It’s taking a long time, but this is the first book where I’m doing my own illustrations, so that is probably to be expected. I’ve never had to do so many at once before! I am not done with creating all the pictures, yet, but I do have a cover to show you, which I will share at the end of this post.
I also wanted to mention that April is Autism Awareness Month, and I have a lot of topics I am ready to discuss, so keep an eye open for that. There will be both personal and informational posts, as I still feel that Autism is quite frequently still misunderstood despite all the information you can find about it. There is, unfortunately, a lot of disinformation, too.
And now, without further ado, I will reveal the cover of my new book. I hope you think it’s as awesome as I do!