This has been my twenty-sixth week of pregnancy, and oddly, it isn’t as bad this time around as it has been in the past. My back pain is minimal, and I’ve not had heart burn that was bad enough to keep me awake except a single time. Although, I still haven’t hit my third trimester yet, so we’ll see if that changes. I do, however, have a lot of water retention, although I’ve found I can keep that at bay for most of the day if I make sure I am drinking about a gallon and a half of water.
The baby has apparently reached the size of an acorn squash, so now we are entering the realm of things of a size I would rather not give birth to. Which is why I don’t like the comparison to produce in the first place. I can look at those things in the grocery store and say “no thanks. I’d rather not,” but in actuality, the baby currently only weighs between one and two pounds and would probably not be nearly as scary at this point as a 5 inch in diameter squash.

In other news, I have started working on some projects for a little Etsy shop. I have been doing a lot of knitting in my spare time and things are a bit slow going (as is expected when you’re doing things not only by hand, but also by yourself) but I am proud of my work and it does look rather nice, if I do say so myself.

Although Xander is officially done with school, that doesn’t mean we are done learning! The kids and I did a little science project using a kit that Chris bought a while ago. We made a ‘gravity robot,’ which is essentially a little mechanism that has weights attached to it by a string. When the ‘robot’ is set on a table with the weights hanging off the side of the table, the four-legged robot would ‘waddle’ forward. It didn’t work exceptionally well, but the kids had fun with it. I think Lili enjoyed playing with it even more than Xander did.

Speaking of Lili, she played a joke on me this week during what was supposed to be her nap time. I had my phone sitting on the kitchen table while I went to go check on a load of laundry, and this silly little miss crept out of her room, swiped my phone and went back in. I knew she had come out because the laundry room is right next to her bedroom, but I did not realize about the phone. So I spent a lot of time searching around the house for a phone I “could have sworn I left on the kitchen table.” It was not until Chris got home and I used his phone to call my phone, only to find out that she had it in her room the whole time, made a call off my emergency contacts list (sorry Mike!) and had fallen asleep holding onto it.

Other than that, it was a pretty quiet week. Chris did have a job interview, which I am very excited about because he said it sounded like there were several positions open, and it’s a state job, so there are some nice benefits that go along with that. Keep praying that something will bear fruit soon. Chris has been working really hard.