This post was created due to increased frustration with what seems like a saturated job market. It’s not to belittle or complain about my husband, who has in fact been working very hard to try and find a career in the field in which he trained. He has been trying for several months to break in to the economics industry, applying for such positions as research analyst, financial adviser, actuary, and many other positions associated with the field of economics.
Chris Jentzen served in the United States Air Force from 2007 to 2011 as an imagery analyst at Beale Air Force Base in California and later at Ramstein Air Base in Germany. This job taught him how to pay great attention to detail as well as time management and being able to multitask.
After the military, Chris used his GI Bill to attend California State University of Sacramento where he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Economics. While he was there, he founded the Tabletop Activities and Gaming Club, serving at one time or another as President and Treasurer over the club, which grew to 30 members within its first year. He was also in regular attendance at the Student Economics Association.
Chris has exemplary leadership skills and places great import on punctuality. He has proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, and is especially knowledgeable in Excel and the functions thereof. His natural talent and acquired skills combined set him up for success to rise quickly through the ranks.
In his free time, when he is not doing things with his family, he enjoys creating and developing Tabletop and Electronic gaming ideas, and hopes to one day pursue these in an entrepreneurial fashion.
Below is a partial resume. The full resume, in its entirety, can be found at his LinkedIn profile, which I will link at the bottom of this post. If you have any questions or comments, Chris can be reached at

Has he thought about possibly working with the electronics industry, where he might find people who need his skills in image analysis and record keeping for the analysis of new and developing systems? I know in the Infrared business we are always looking for talented people who can increase the capability of our systems to see better. Maybe not at the design level, but they also need people at the overall system level who can find conflicts between different subsystems that the individual designers always miss, ( until late in the game.)
Just a thought. It’s not economics, but there may still be a career in it.
I will pass this along to him. I don’t know if it’s something he has looked into, but I definitely want him to know that opportunities like this are available to him. Thank you so much.
As a taste of some of what’s available, check out the website and the FLIR YouTube channel.
If you would like to, that is.
(Were you in on the chat when Vanessa was doing the AC livestream? I’m the Robert that chimed in there also.
Just as a point of reference.)
Yes, I am the Summer that she spoke of. 😀
My worlds collide! Love you both! I’m praying for your husband Summer, hope that he finds the perfect opportunity.
I appreciate it so, so much. I’m hoping the interview he has today is the one. The salary would be enough to cover our basic needs AND pay off his student loan. Plus medical benefits and an actual pension plan.
I too am praying for your husband, Summer. Sounds like he is being a responsible gentleman who is providing for his wife and children. That’s awesome! And I’m afraid it’s becoming harder to find those types of men these days. Congratulations to both you and Vanessa for each of you finding one.
A real pension plan? I thought every org had transitioned over to “401 K’ plans now?
All the best to you and your family!!
Yes, it’s a state job and California offers pension plans to state workers and teachers. I think he can get a 401K on top of that as well. My mom used to work for the state and now that she is retired, she has three sources of income, which come from both her own retirement plan, social security, and also my father’s which she gets now that he has passed away. And when SHE passes away, that money will apparently go to me (so she tells me. I will be honest, I don’t really know how her will is set up so it isn’t money I’m counting on). But I’m really hopeful about him getting this job because that will put me at ease about our financial situation, especially regarding the kids.
How’s it going with your husband’s search? Any good new news?
I’ve been blessed to know about, follow, support, and converse with Vanessa since roughly August of last year.
I’ve seen her write, and heard her speak highly of you. That’s cool!
May the LORD bless each of your family!!
He has an interview on Friday for a job with the state of California, and he has been emailing with a guy about a possible interview for another job, so we will see.
Good afternoon Summer! I was wondering, Have you ever heard of Mel Robbins?
She is an international best selling writer and the most booked female speaker.
She has three books out, one in 37 languages, and two on Amazon Audible.
But her “Success Live” talks are incredibly informational and inspiring!
One is 24 minutes, and the other is 45. The 24 minute one has an awesome ending!
Just letting you know in case you could find something useful from her.
God bless you and your family!
Thank you. I have not heard of her. I will have to look into it.