I’ve told the birth stories about all three of my children, but there is still one story I have yet to tell. Many people know this story, but no one knows it so well as me. A long time ago, but not so very long ago at all, I moved out of my parents home […]
My Son Wouldn’t Clean His Room, so I Cleaned It For Him
If you have a child with ADHD or you have ADHD yourself, you may have noticed how difficult it seems to start many tasks such as cleaning. There are several reasons why that may be difficult. Here, I discuss one that often gets overlooked.
Family Game Recommendation: Petrichor
When we are looking for a game to play as a family, something that is important to us is that the game will be interesting enough for adults and children to enjoy alike, but that the rules will be simple enough for our youngest game player to understand. A game that we often end up […]