As I have stated many times before, I have a pretty solid case of social anxiety. It affects me on many levels in ways that never occurred to me that were even likely. But there is another, important member of my family that also suffers from anxiety, my son’s dog Cory. Today I want to talk about him and the ways in which we have tried to ease his anxiety.
Week in Review: May 26 – June 1, 2019
This week marks my twenty-fifth week of pregnancy with our third child. Apparently, our baby has reached the status of ‘cauliflower’ in the fruit and vegetable chart of fetal growth. I still feel weird about comparing child size to produce, especially since it can vary in size, and also because no one wants to think about pushing out a watermelon on delivery day, but there it is.
Interrupting Problem Solving and the Twenty Second Rule
As parents, we like to think we are patient people.And for the most part, I think that is probably true. When our children are throwing tantrums or otherwise expressing their anger, frustration, sadness– the whole array of negative emotion– we sit there lovingly, calming them, telling them they are good enough, smart enough, and that people like them.