Month: May 2019


My Husband Needs A Job

This post was created due to increased frustration with what seems like a saturated job market. It’s not to belittle or complain about my husband, who has in fact been working very hard to try and find a career in the field in which he trained. He has been trying for several months to break in to the economics industry, applying for such positions as research analyst, financial adviser, actuary, and many other positions associated with the field of economics.

Anxiety and ADHD

Calm in a Crisis: A Plus Side to Anxiety

Whenever people discuss anxiety, they typically gravitate to the negatives: the lack of flexibility, moodiness, insomnia, and outbursts over things that other people may find inconsequential, but there is one situation in which a person may actually benefit from an anxiety disorder: an actual emergency.

Anxiety and ADHD

Surviving the Wave Pool

When I was about seven or eight, my dad took me to a water park for the first time. I wasn’t big on water slides, so I spent most of my time in the wading pools and tide pools. They had a wave machine they called “Breaker Beach.” It was on a gradient, so while the waves were turned off, I went up to the thick red line that none without inner tubes were allowed to cross. my goal was to stand atop of it to see how much taller I was in comparison. I could still touch the bottom and keep my head above water if I stood on my toes, but just barely.

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Month: May 2019